El Beebane is a 39,000 hectare lagoon with 9 small islands, located in the governorate of Medenine in Tunisia, between Zarzisand Ben Guerdane in the governorate of Médenine in Tunisia.
On November 7, 2007, this wetland was recognized as a site of the Ramsar site convention, which commits States to preserve wetlands, their fauna and flora in their territories.
Ejdaria, an isthmus twenty five kilometers long, with very fertile land, only exploited for fifty years, separates the lake from the sea.
In addition to the visit of the center of the village, the small port of the fishing exploitation on the edge of the lake very rich in delicious fish thanks to the contribution of salt by the alluvium of the sebkhas (saline depressions)
Each year, El Beebane is at biological rest, from February 1 to March 31, to allow the fish to ensure their multiplication. The village has 800 inhabitants, 250 families, 250 fishermen.
The islets of El Beebane
Property of the State, a large part of this area and the exploitation of the islets are given in concession to a private person. One of the 9 islets is landscaped and welcomes visitors who respect the environment. The product of the fishing makes it possible to pay the fishermen of the lagoon, the benefits of the hotel to maintain the islets, and to provide some facilities, such as a café and a relaxation center, instead of a large restaurant originally planned to accommodate tourist groups, project abandoned to preserve the place.
Panoramic places are to be visited on the west side of the isthmus, as well as a small private fish farm breeding sea bream.