The city of Zarzis

The city of Zarzis or Gergis is a coastal city in southeastern Tunisia attached to the governorate of Medenine and capital of its delegation. It is a municipality with 72,611 inhabitants in 2014 and extending over 34,000 hectares (340 km2).

Located at the south eastern end of the peninsula that bears its name, southeast of the island of Djerba, about 50 km from Houmt-Souk, the delegation of Zarzis has a very wide coastline. There is a variety of landscapes reflecting a great diversity of climatic conditions.

The economic activity of Zarzis is mainly based on tourism, fishing and agriculture. In the industrial sector, the food industry dominates with 55 companies out of 89.

The olive tree occupies a special place in Zarzis where there are 1,228,700 plants occupying an area of 61,335 hectares, 85% of which are in full production. Production for the 1999-2000 campaign reached 59,500 tons of olives, or the equivalent of 11,900 tons of olive oil. This production is transformed thanks to the 57 oil mills of the delegation and provides more than 5,000 direct jobs.

In Zarzis, there is a commercial port which has a commercial traffic capacity of two million tons per year. It extends over 28 hectares, including 9,000 m2 of hangars, has a 610-meter commercial quay for 25,000-ton ships and an oil terminal. Since 1993, it has had a free zone, known as the Zarzis economic activity park, covering an area of 38 hectares and since 1999 has had an area of ten hectares within the port enclosure.

The commercial port, whose economic resources come mainly from fishing, the production of olive oil and tourist activity, represent the bases of the economy of zarzis.

The city of Zarzis has a double attraction: on a coast of about thirty kilometers, its fine sandy beaches make it one of the most envied Tunisian seaside destinations, as well as its geographical proximity to the island of Djerba. , only a few kilometers away.

But this peninsula of 75,000 inhabitants is also attractive thanks to its nearby desert: holidaymakers will therefore be able to multiply their excursions towards Matmata where one can observe troglodyte dwellings, but also Tataouine and its ksours (fortresses) or even the oasis of Ksar Ghilane.

It is also full of cultural places to visit: the archaeological site of Gightis in Bou Grara stretches over an area of some 130 hectares and offers thermal baths but also Hadrian’s forum and the remains of a large temple.

The private museum of El Hafi looks like a cave and has been used for several centuries now as an oil mill.
A few kilometers north of the city, you can also visit the site of Chammakh. During your stay in Zarzis, you can also visit its museum, which will give you a detailed overview of the history of the city. Located in the former church of Notre Dame de la Garde, the building displays collections dating back to Punic and Roman times.

You cannot fail to visit the synagogue of Mouansa, located west of Zarzis.

The nearest airport to the city of Zarzis is the international airport of Djerba-Zarzis, which also serves the island of Djerba, Houmt Souk as well as the whole of the south-eastern region of Tunisia.

The city of Zarzis in pictures

El Biben Zarzis
La ciudad de Zarzis
La médina de Zarzis
Die Stadt Zarzis
Město Zarzis
La ville de Zarzis

Zarzis in video

Top visits in Zarzis

Zarzis is the place where you won’t get bored! Between mosques, synagogue, port, museum, archaeological site and landscapes we have enough to fill a week. Discover with us the essentials of Zarzis.

Other visits

La mosquée verte de Zarzis

The green mosque

La synagogue de Zarzis

El Mouansa Synagogue

Le port de Zarzis

The port of Zarzis

Where to stay in Zarzis

In Zarzis, the choice of accommodation is so vast that it can meet all needs and all tastes! Between hotels, guest houses and vacation rentals you are spoiled for choice.

Zarzis on the map

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